fade-leftfade-rightATTN: Over-40 Men & Women...

Do You Want to Lose Weight, Get Strong, and Slow Aging?

Just what you wanted, right?

Another fitness-and-nutrition program selling the good life.

If only you watch the webinar and discover some simple five-step system.

“But hurry - only two spots remain!”

“Then the doors close for good.”


Don’t worry, we’re not going to insult your intelligence.

We're Joseph and Sharon Arangio.

Yes, the couple in the picture.

Our Co-Founders

Coaches Joseph and Sharon Arangio

Now look, we’re going to be brutally honest with you.

We’ve got something for sale.

And yes, it has to do with freeing yourself from being fat, sick, and out-of-shape.

And yes, it’s going to sound too good to be true.

But it’s not.

Here’s why:

We help over-40 men & women lose bodyfat, get strong, and slow aging (you can't "reverse" aging, by the way).

We do this for our client-athletes around the globe, with our online fitness-and-nutrition coaching, and for 100 of our very best clients, through our Premium coaching program.

And, as a result, those client-athletes are happier and healthier.

Which makes us pretty valuable to them.


Like, if Sharon designs a nutrition plan to help Bill-the-Builder, an obese 60-year-old guy from Poughkeepsie, New York…

And helps him lose 50 pounds in, say, 12 months?

True or false:

Is Billy tickled pink to invest $99 a week for that life-changing service?

The answer, of course, is TRUE.

Because Billy has failed countless times trying to do this himself.

And even if he did, he wouldn’t want to spend decades becoming a world-class expert (like us).

And who *wouldn’t* trade $99 per week for a better life with less chance of diabetes, heart issues, and cancer?

That’s a no-brainer.

And because there are millions of “Billy’s” in the world…

...we're very busy.

You see, we were born to coach and it's our mission to help you rebuild your body and get in the absolute best shape of your life.

In turn, you can help more people and leave a legacy.

Sharon and I could hire an army and do this for several lifetimes and not even put a dent in the staggering number of obese, unhappy, over-40 men & women in JUST the United States.

Which is why we’ve chosen to serve FEWER clients BETTER.

To specialize, basically.

Because why not?

You see, being overweight or obese is frustrating.

But being over 40 years old, and obese, is downright deadly.

Everybody looks at your bulging belly and goes:

“All that visceral fat is like a ticking time bomb.”

“Poor guy is not living to his full potential.”

"How can he expect to lead others when it's obvious he can't take care of himself."

Or do they just think it?

And yet, over two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese.

We're more technologically advanced than ever before yet getting fatter by the minute.

The point is this:

Sure, might be a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea…

Not every coach who packages up and sells their fitness-and-nutrition system is a phony.

Or out to deceive you.

Indeed, many "anti-aging" doctors are all to quick to sell you expensive supplements and hormone injections... a process that generates many complicated problems in the future.

Just not us.

We walk our talk.

And help over-40 men & women who want to get lean, strong, and slow aging.

So you can live the life you desire and deserve.

And leave a legacy while you still can.

And no, we don’t expect you to take our word for it.

All we ask is this:

If you want to get in the absolute best shape of your life…

As cliche as that is…

And nothing else has worked so far?

At least let us make a case for why this WILL.

And, if we did that via a 20-minute "discovery" phone call with us…

For free…

Is that something you’d be open to?

If so, just apply now by answering some questions and sharing your goals here.

And if, at the end of the call, you agree:

That we’re genuine, and that this proven, science-backed system can and will work - even for you...

Then you can always ask about our paid, fitness-and-nutrition coaching program.

But if not.

If you still think it’s too good to be true.

Click “unsubscribe” on that very first email and we’ll never bother you again.


Perfect, so answer the questions below and be sure to enter your very best email.

Then check your inbox for the special confirmation link, to complete your application.

See you on the next page,

Joseph & Sharon Arangio

Arangio Athletic Fitness

Here's What You'll Get Instant Access to...

  • Goal-Based Training Plan

    To increase strength, build muscle, boost endurance, reduce backache, and drop bodyfat. You’ll look and feel 10 years younger. Females, you will not “bulk up”.

  • Extra-Personalized Workouts

    Based on your exercise history, equipment availability, and any injuries you may have.

  • Follow-Along Exercise Videos

    For every movement so you avoid sloppy technique and, as a result, reduce the chance of injury. Your goal is to perform perfect reps every workout.

  • Done-for-You Nutrition Masterclass

    That teaches you exactly how to prepare healthy and delicious meals. This course takes the guesswork out of mindful eating.

  • Recovery Blueprint

    To de-frazzle your nerves and get a deep, restful sleep every night.

  • Daily Accountability Check-Ins

    From your personal coach, delivered conveniently to your email inbox. Why? To help you take imperfect action, practice healthy habits, and achieve your priority-one goal.

  • 1-on-1 Strategy Calls

    With your coach to customize your training, nutrition, and recovery plan. And celebrate your wins too.

  • Award-Winning Member's-Only Community

    To surround yourself with a positive support group and learn what other successful clients are doing.

  • Available On Your Favorite Devices 24/7/365

    (TV, computer, mobile & tablet) so you enjoy instant access from wherever you are — at home, in the gym, or on the road.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Simply put, we guarantee your results. If you are unsatisfied with your progress after 90 days, we will do whatever it takes to help you improve. That’s how much we believe in our body-transformation system.

All we ask is that you follow these six rules:

1. You will give the program an honest try.

2. You will complete at least FOUR workouts per week, online or in person, over 90 consecutive days.

3. You will follow the custom-tailored nutrition plan and get quality sleep.

4. You agree to keep a daily journal.

5. You agree that the investment, starting at just $99/week, is affordable and will not cause financial stress.

6. You will not cheat us.

Fair enough?


Coaches Joseph and Sharon Arangio
Co-Owners, Arangio Athletic Fitness




Premium Fitness-and-Nutrition Coaching

Arangio Athletic Fitness
702 Union Blvd.
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18109, USA

Virtual Fitness-and-Nutrition Coaching

All you need is an internet connection and a good attitude!